We are grateful for the support of our sponsors & collaborators! Make sure to take a look at who they are and their work.

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Aesculapian Society (AS)

The AS was first organized by the Queen's medical student body in 1872 and it has remained a strong voice for medical students ever since. Their primary goal is to support students' academic and non-academic pursuits, to advocate for students' interests, and to foster a vibrant community in the School of Medicine. KHealth is currently registered as an AS interest group.

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Student Senior Isolation Prevention Program (SSIPP)

The Student-Senior Isolation Prevention Partnership is a collaboration between UofT health students and physicians aiming to provide social connection to isolated seniors in the community through in-person visits and/or phone calls. Our Student-run Community Support Program works in partnership to match student volunteers to the regions that they are best suited to help out at!


Ontario Medical Student Association (OMSA)

OMSA is an organization that represents the views and concerns of the over 3,000 Ontario medical students on a number of issues. KHealth is grateful for their logistical and financial support, making our ideas into a reality.


Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS)

CFMS is an organization that represents over 8,000 Ontario medical students across Canada to the public, federal government, and national/international medical organizations. They have reacted quickly to the COVID-19 crisis, providing grants for students to form initiatives and help out their communities. KHealth is grateful for their support and funding our Student-run Community Support Initiative.

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ASPIRE Student-run Clinic

ASPIRE is Western University’s first student-run clinic, started by students in their 2023 class of medicine. They are currently working on launching the first branch of the student-run community support program to provide free groceries deliveries and phone calls to the London, Ontario community during the COVID-19 crisis.

Student Run Clinic Association (SRCA)

The Student Run Clinic Association is an organization that partners with the Canadian Medical Association to launch interprofessional student run clinics across Canada. Executive members of KHealth attend their conference annually, learning about how different student professions can work together to help their communities. SRCA has supported KHealth logistically and allowed our leadership to learn from them.


Health Providers Against Poverty (HPAP)

Health Providers Against Poverty is an alliance of healthcare workers that came together to help low-income Ontarians. Founded in 2005, they have advocated to reduce the poverty gap, creating publicity surrounding poverty as a major risk factor for poor health outcomes. KHealth executive members have learned a lot about what it is like to help low-income populations by working with HPAP’s Ontario Chapter.