Community Cares Program

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become increasingly difficult for vulnerable populations (e.g., older adults, individuals with complex medical conditions, etc.) to obtain groceries, especially with the risk of going out into large crowds. COVID-19 has also isolated many members of the community. Our Community Cares Program aims to help vulnerable individuals in the Kingston community by offering a grocery delivery service as well as social comfort phone-calls. Through these programs, we can greatly reduce the risk of vulnerable people being exposed to COVID-19, and promote inclusion and wellness by connecting with vulnerable people within the community during the pandemic.


Community Carts

The Community Carts program is meant to provide an opportunity for community members to have groceries delivered to them if they do not feel comfortable going to the grocery store themselves. Our volunteers are all students in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Queen’s University and have been working hard since the start of COVID to ensure that the pandemic does not impact anyone’s access to groceries.


Community Calls

Many members of the Kingston community have had a difficult time being alone due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Community Calls Program aims to combat social isolation and promote inclusion and wellness by connecting with vulnerable people within the community during the pandemic. Our volunteers connect with their participants regularly to provide social comfort during a very challenging time for many in the Kingston community.


Please review the information on the request form prior to submitting a request. If you have questions about either of our programs, please contact us. 


Phone: (613) 817-7787

Looking to Volunteer?

KHealth is currently looking for volunteers for the Community Cares Program, formally known as the Student-run Community Support Program (SCSP). We are actively recruiting volunteers to assist with our Community Carts Program, a grocery delivery program for vulnerable individuals within the Kingston community. Volunteers will be connected with a Kingston community member to pick up and deliver groceries for them. We are also looking for volunteers for the Community Calls Program. Volunteers who sign up for this program will be connected with an individual in the Kingston community to provide wellness calls. These calls are meant to provide social comfort to those in the community who have been isolated due to COVID-19. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please sign up below:

For any inquiries about the program, please contact Kate & Natalie at or (613) 817-7787