Interprofessional Community Health Program

KHealth is currently developing an extra-curricular enrichment program for Queen’s University healthcare students, titled the “Interprofessional Community Health Program” (ICHP). The ICHP will consist of three components: [1] 15 hours of formal training [2] 8 hours of experimental learning and [3] 5 hours of a substantive culminating activity.

Students who complete all components over their degree receive KHealth’s “Community and Street Health Advocate” Certificate. KHealth is an interprofessional group recognized and endorsed by the Aesculapian Society, Rehabilitation Therapy Society, and Nursing Science Society. This certificate is recognized across all the FHS programs, and in addition to providing an excellent knowledge base, it will be a great addition to your CV/Resume.


Our Learning and Development Team explain the ICHP initiative, and what participants can expect