Project Connect

For most, a cellphone in today’s world is a necessity for connection, autonomy, and safety. For example, for survivors of intimate partner violence, a new cell phone (and a new phone number) can provide not only safety but access to an independent life.

Project Connect was conceived by a medical student from Memorial University as a used cell phone drive for survivors of intimate partner violence in the St. John’s community, and the project is now expanding across Canada. In their first month, Memorial University students were able to collect more than 50 gently-used phones, tablets, and accessories, and the local ObGyne staff raised money to purchase new SIM cards for these phones.

In collaboration with the School of Medicine’s Women’s Health Interest Group, KHealth is implementing this impactful initiative here in Kingston. The following organizations in Kingston will receive the donations based on our community-needs assessment: Interval House, Dawn House, Street Health, and Sexual Assault Centre Kingston.

What donations are we looking for?
We accept used phones, laptops/tablets, and chargers (wall chargers, portable power banks) in addition to purchased items such as new SIM cards (see below for more details). We are also accepting financial donations.

How can I donate?
Please refer to the following documents for more information!

Please reach out to if you have any questions or concerns!

Information about participating organizations:
Project Connect Information poster: